If you haven't heard of this hot, new TV series called Empire, I suggest you go and take a peak now because it will absolutely blow your mind like it did me! I actually just started watching the show a few days ago and I am proud to say I'm beyond hooked! 

When I first heard about the show, I was hesitant because there is this cliché, one-themed thing about shows with all/almost all black casts. Don't get me wrong this isn't a racial slur but shows as such always seem to follow the same acting cue. They all seem to focus on race and somehow end up deviating our attention from the actual plot. I mean this is the 21st century! Black people are no longer just pawns. We actually have a voice now and a large one at that. We're making waves all over the world! 

I mean, let's face it, black shows and movies are in today (I'm not talking The Haves and Have Nots though). Majority of TV audiences today don't really care if the main character is black, we just want a good show. That's why I always acknowledge Shonda Rhimes for her diverse cast choice. 

Anyway that's why Empire is winning in all racial communities. Some may say this is because of the amazing and very modern sounds and of course, the absolutely mind-blowing plot but while we groove and enjoy the talented performances of the characters, we are also reminded of the daily struggles of black people in our society today. The show also doesn't fail to address other crucial issues such as homosexuality in the black community and bipolar disorder which is unfortunately almost always associated with white people. This is referenced on the show. 

I thought it was an African thing but a large percent of black people in general still do not believe in psychiatric therapy. This was also referenced in the show. Therapy is used to treat some mental disorders mostly manageable cases like bipolar disorder and some severe cases like perceived and diagnosed psychopathy etc. 

That's what's so good about that show. It raises awareness about self-acceptance, fighting against discrimination and opening up and seeking to get help if you feel you're struggling with something. It may not necessarily be a mental disorder but it's always good to seek help.

Anyway, season 1 is gone and we're literally itching for the next one! I don't have any predictions quite yet but I'm sure we'll see more of Luscious Lyon's other side and hopefully more smoking hot sibling rivalry. 


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